Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Saturday, December 31, 2011

I've never really been one to participate in making New Years Resolutions, but this year I have had a lot of experiences and discovered so many new things that I can't help but want to make some changes in my life and in the lives of others around me.

I've been very blessed with a good family, caring parents that would do anything for me and friends that I am lucky to have in my life. We look out for each other and it seems to have become a theme for this past year. Someone finds out important information on something and immediately the information is shared amongst friends and family to try and help.

This got me really thinking about how just one person can effect thousands. I have always been considered to be a very social person and by being involved with the general public with my line of work, I talk to people all over the world about every topic under the sun. It comes very easy for me.

The creation of Twitter however has allowed many people to be able to voice their opinions, ideas, their art, promote business and even waste lots of time being silly all from the comfort of their couch. I'm guilty as charged! Trust me, I've wasted many hours. LOL

But the thought of taking something so powerful and using it to promote healthier lives, save animals in need of shelter, or raise money for just causes is something we need more of in our world today. There are far too many negative things going on out there. I feel obligated to help spread some good news every once in awhile.

I know that I sometimes I get caught up in trying to "save the world" one tweet at a time by being the watch dog and informant for corrupt operations trying to take advantage of us or hurt us.

The truth is, there ARE selfish people and corporations out there trying to raise their bottom line by poisoning the food we eat, making people slightly sick so that they need medications, destroying our natural resources all for the sake of them making more money. They just don't care about people anymore. It's hard for me to sit and remain quiet about it all.

That really was the inspiration for this blog. This is the place that I've created for people who CHOOSE to know more about these topics can come and learn more. By making my fellow man aware about things going in the world today that they might not know about, I feel like I am doing a service to them. Which brings me to my resolutions:

  • To continue learning about living a healthy life and grow to be over 100 years old.

  • To share the wealth of my findings with everyone that will listen.

  • To help others more often.

  • To be more positive and stop complaining.

  • To be more thankful about the things I do have and not worry about the things that I don't.

  • To be more active and do more things. Hiking, Biking, Camping etc.

  • To start enjoying my life more.

These may not seem like the type of new years resolutions you were expecting, but I can assure you that results will come from them if every goal is followed. I have noticed that in the past when I have concentrated on these things that I have been my absolute happiest.

I'm not a big reader at all, but I have listened to quite a few audio books. Two years ago Diana had me listen to the book "The Secret", which I know many of you have already read. I wasn't exactly sure what to excpect from it, but by the time it had finished the message was clear to me. You are what you think you are. Your mind is capable of creating anything you will it to create.

If you haven't read this book, I would highly recommend it. It's very inspirational and will probably change your outlook of life. There is also a second book out by the same author that I think is even better called "The Power" It's kind of like a more detailed look into the ideas behind The Secret.

Books like these and others like them are good at helping you realize that you are in charge of your life, your wealth and your happiness. I have found these messages to be very true in my life and so now I am going to try harder to make sure that I keep myself in check. I've been going back to my old ways of worrying and complaining and I've been miserable lately because of it.

If you're not happy with your life right now, it's nobody's fault but your own and you have the ability to change it. Make changes in your life and be happier. It's your life. You're in charge :)

Happy New Year everyone!



  1. Congratulations on taking charge of your life. I enjoyed The Secret but never heard of the power but will check it out. Happy New Year!

  2. Great resolutions Billy! Happy New Year to Diana, you and your family! Natural light and fresh air everyday, in my opinion, will help us stay healthy and thrive. Hope you get out to the awesome places around LV to hike and bike very often in 2012. My fave when visting LV is Turtle Head Peak at Red Rock. I love to run to the top although the scramble gets me every time. :). Come on up to the Wasatch mountains for camping, hiking, biking etc. We're in SLC and Park City... Not much snow right now... But blue bird skies, sun and fresh sweet air - awesomeness. Have a super 2012... Thanks for your blog, insights, thoughts and opinions.

  3. Thank you for the reminder to apply "you are what you think". It is a great gift to have the knowledge of the laws of attraction and the ability to apply it.
    Wishing you and the family a healthy and prosperous New Year...


  4. your new years resolutions look so much like my own list.. mine is to do something good for myself and something good for others, everyday.. i don't have alot of money, but i always manage to spare a little bit of it for those less fortunate.. thanks for being a voice Billy.. here's to a healthy, amazing 2012..

  5. Excellent New Year's resolutions. I love love the secret. Have it on my iTunes as well and the video. When I know my life is "off" I will listen to the audio book while I work in my craft studio. Gets me on track each time. Happy 2012. A new year full of endless possibilities.

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